WGS Cloudflare WHMCS Module Update is Now Available!

Introducing our WGS WHMCS Cloudflare module with minor bug fixes as well as improvisation in the version as well as features.

As we all know that Cloudflare Official WHMCS is no more supported by Cloudflare. So keeping trust in that module is quite risky for you. Keeping that in mind we have updated our plugin with all new features and minor bugs fixes.

What is New in WGS Cloudflare WHMCS Module?

In our previous version, there were a few minor bugs left which we have completely fixed up in this release. The new version is launched with a regression testing process by our customers to make it available for you.

Minor Bug Fixes:

Analytics: The graphs do not contain the correct data. It seems that the Requests served graph actually shows the bandwidth data.
Crypto: When I try to enable HSTS (just the tick on and save) it runs into an error message: “Error(400): cfError(1047):Security header STS enable value must be set to true or false”
Caching: Modifying the “Browser cache expiration” value runs into an error message: “Error(400): cfError(1007):Invalid value for zone setting, browser_cache_ttl”
Missing Dropdown strings from language files (non translatable).

New Features Introduced in the Upgrade: 

DNSSEC: We’ve added a DNSSEC feature in our WHMCS module which will help in maintaining the security of your account in the Cloudfare. Our module provides the user friendly interface which allows your customer to manage the DNS records, DNSSEC from the client area itself.
CName Flatten: We have pretended CName flatten feature in the Cloudflare WHMCS module which make us to use the root domain while maintaining the DNS fault tolerance strategies across the multiple IP addresses.
Auto Updating nameservers on registrar: The manual updating of the nameservers has been totally replaced with the auto update of Cloudflare nameservers on domain registrars.
Working with Product Addon: Users can resell Cloudflare Services with the existing product Addon rather than creating a specific product for the Cloudflare service.
Managing Cloudflare from the client area: It allows the client to upgrade as well as downgrade the Cloudflare plans from the client area itself. Your customer can also manage all the Cloudflare settings in the client area without visiting the Cloudflare website.
cloudflare whmcs module client area settings

Cloudflare settings that user can Manage:
  • Cloudflare Analytics
  • DNS settings
  • Crypto settings
  • Cloudflare Firewall settings
  • Website speed optimization
  • Website Caching settings
  • Scrap shield settings
  • Plan upgrade and downgrade
  • Updating website’s IP address
Looking for Something More? We can help!

Our WHMCS experts are ready to accept your custom requirements.