Hosting Partner Module Key Features

Hosting Partner Module Key features

1) It provides all the hosting control panel plugins so that one can install the plugin and start selling hosting services with Cloudflare integrated services.

CloudFlare can be integrated into any control panel. If you’re using one of the control panels below, you can start offering CloudFlare within a few minutes.

cPanel Download »
Parallels Plesk Panel Download »
Parallels Plesk Automation Download »
Parallels Automation Download »
Interworx Download »

2) Cloudflare hosting partner module provides CNAME functionality so that your user doesn’t have to modify the DNS and adding some DNS records one can start having Cloudflare services on his domain.

Two Ways to Configure CloudFlare

Partial Mode(CNAME)
Step1: Redirect»
Step2: Point»
Step3: Add CNAME to

Full DNS Mode

Step1: Point NS to CloudFlare Name Servers by using provided IPs
Step2: Manage all DNS Records through CloudFlare
3) Getting hosting partner API key from module itself.
4) Cloudflare ready available resources section in which one can easily get all the email templates to send it to their customers. click
5) Domains section provides you the functionality for adding and deleting domains from your hosting partner account.
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