Owncloud reseller WHMCS V5.0.6 Out Now

WGS is ready to announce that we successfully released the “ownCloud reseller WHMCS v5.0.6 version” With this version we have added a reseller module feature. Here we did many changes as per user requirements. Here in this module, we added advanced features and much more. We received the feedback and suggestions from our existing users and after keeping everything in mind we are ready for this launch. Our latest version fully supports ownCloud 10. So it will fulfill your requirements completely, one solution for all your requirements.

New Features: WHMCS Global Services added the latest features required by you. Now resellers have options to set the quota limit for the users and accounts. Resellers can enter the Username & Password automatically and manually. You can upgrade/downgrade the module as per your technical requirements. Our module fully supports ownCloud10. We fixed many bugs so now it will not take much time to install the module.

  • Reseller option: Now admin can create their ownCloud Reseller products and set their quota limit & Accounts limit. Reseller can manage their users in WHMCS as well as in their ownCloud account. Resellers can check the status of Disk usage of under their accounts. Resellers can change the Quota limits as per requirements.
  • Option to enter username & password: With this version now we have given the option to admin how they want to create the ownCloud users with entering custom field value of username & password. Auto-generated passwords can be assigned to the current users and the user can add the password manually. Admin has the authority to decide that whether he wants to go for an Auto generated password or he wants to process a Manual password.
  • Upgrade / Downgrade: User and reseller can upgrade /downgrade the module according to their requirements.
  • Bug Fixing: We have fixed many bugs reported by our existing customers. So it will take least efforts to install and to work with the module.
  • User-Friendly Module: The module is totally user-friendly. Easy to use and understand that how we can work with this module.

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Product Pricing :
Monthly : $12.90/mo
Annually : $120.90
Open Source code : $599.90

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