How To Design WHMCS Client Area for Web Hosting Business?

How to design WHMCS Client Area for Web Hosting business is one of the most searched queries on the Internet today. If you landed on this page while searching the solution for the same query then you have landed on the right page. But before jumping to a solution,  check out what are the crucial things to run a Design WHMCS Client Area business website.


Which business does not need a website? The answer to this question is way difficult because every business from A to Z requires a business website to earn more business online. According to Blue Corona – “Email, website, and social media are the top three marketing tools used by small businesses today from which 54% of the businesses use email, 51% have a website, and 48% use social media”.

Another study from Espresso shows that “75% of small business owners see internet marketing as an “effective” or “very effective” tool to attract new customers”.

So it clearly shows the needs of a website for a small business.

List of Services a Business Website Needs to Run?

  1. A website domain name
  2. Quality Web Hosting
  3. Business Website

Now when it comes to purchasing a Domain and Hosting, a business owner requires a hosting selling company who provides the best hosting services for his business website and Customize WHMCS Client Area.

We are in the web hosting industry since 1995. when there were only a few hosting options exist in the market like, AT&T, and a few others. At that time the hardware was so expensive and only a few companies could afford that. But when we talk about today there are  a plethora of web hosting companies that are providing hosting solutions at the best prices, thanks to the reseller hosting

Today, more than one million web hosting providers are running, with a key motive to provide the best web hosting solutions to their customers at the best price. The competition among the hosting companies rise at this level that some companies have started selling hosting plans at very cheap prices no matter how is the security level of their servers.

What Makes a Hosting Company Unique and The Best?

1. Hardware Quality

2. Security

3. Customer Support

4. Hosting Plans

5. Website UI/UX

In the modern world, UI/UX determines the level of any business and the same in the web hosting industry. Since 2002, we are working as a solution architect for web hosting businesses. And in this complete journey, we served many good clients with the best solutions that make them successful hosting providers in the industry.

Thanks to WHMCS, which comes under the picture in 2005 to help resellers manage their hosting admin tasks with ease. Initially, WHMCS actually offers invoicing and technical support for the hosting providers that let businesses customize WHMCS Client Area. But a product has to grow with the market needs, so as WHMCS. WHMCS has now become an all-in-one Web Host Manager Complete Solution.

Current WHMCS

Now WHMCS supports multiple industries with a prime motive to improvise hosting experience with full client management.

It has been estimated that WHMCS covers 90% of the websites that sell hosting solutions.

Here’s what WHMCS do:
  • Control panel operations
  • Accepting payments
  • Generating client invoices and estimates
  • Client account setup and suspension
  • Performing client support and social media functions.

Importance of WHMCS Client Area in Improving ROI:

The main section of the WHMCS which still needs a lot of improvements in its client area is one of the most outdated sections of this custom solution.

Sorry to say, but it is true.

Here are some samples of the default client area screenshots:

Being a hosting solution expert, we are creating this guide to make the WHMCS client area stand out in the current hosting industry.

1. Attractive UI/UX

The part that is missing in the default WHMCS client area is its UI/UX. As we all know the importance of design in improving the ROI of a business online so we can not ignore it all.

According to Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder / Chief Marketing Officer of Orbit Media, design plays an important role in improving conversions.


The current client area design of WHMCS is very basic and outdated.

Not only the design, but it misses many UX features that could help your clients to manage things with ease. We will talk about them later in this blog.

Whmcs UX features

To Customize WHMCS Client Area, we have launched multiple WHMCS client area themes that got a very good response from the market, especially HostX WHMCS Template

HostX WHMCS Template
Client Area Screen of our WHMCS Theme.

2. Active Products and Services

Your clients must know each and every product or service in an elaborated way on the dashboard itself just like our ClientX WHMCS Client Area theme lets you do so

Active Products and Services

Though it comes default in the WHMCS client area, it is very less visible and flexibility is far ahead.

3. Cross-Selling Products and Services

You need to show cross-selling products on the dashboard or internal client area pages, as you will open a chance for more sales.

You can sell custom addons and other valuable services that are more likely to sell with your default products.

Cross-Selling Products and Services

4. Orderform Template

This is the place of the client area which has the maximum bounce rates. We usually get customer requests for creating custom order form templates WHMCS. It seems like we have created around 3000+ WHMCS custom order forms being associated with WHMCS Global Services.

From all these requests the most common requests are to change the look and feel of the default WHMCS client area order form. Some said, to restructure it completely. The other common thing was to reduce the checkout steps.

How do we manage it?

So, keeping all these requests in mind we have created a WHMCS One Page Orderform solution for all WHMCS users, i.e. ClientX, which has a custom order form template to customize WHMCS Client Area.

The ClientX orderform template checkout process is now reduced to 3 steps with exceptional features to improve your conversions.

ClientX orderform template

We give your clients to manage their billing cycle right on the order form page, with an option to purchase addons with added custom options.

1. Technical Live Chat Support in Client Area

Live Chat Support in Client Area

The client area must have technical live chat support that can help your clients to sort out small issues in real-time, rather than generating tickets again and again.

2. Account Statement

Another feature that is missing in the default client area is the account statement, every client needs to generate a ticket for the account statements to the admin, which increases the load on the admin to work on these useless tickets.

So we would prefer to give the client an option to generate and download the custom account statements anytime.

3. Custom Header and Footer

Well, this is one of the most generated custom requests by WHMCS users. We daily get custom requests for this. We will not say that there is a need to have a similar header & footer in the client area as it is on the front-end website. But some consider it as important from a branding point of view. So, considering this we have added a unique option in one of our WHMCS Client Area Theme which allows users to add custom header and footer, or if they do not want they can add as many as custom menu options in the client area.

So with this, we sorted out the need for all kinds of users.

4. Client Area App

Do you need a mobile app for your hosting business?

This must be the first question you should ask yourself, before investing your funds to create a masterpiece mobile app for your hosting business.

How Can This App Be Useful for Your Business?

If we talk about today, no one has time to go to their browsers and then enter a URL of their hosting provider and sign in to access their products.

A simple mobile app can do it all for your users, they can view the front end as well as manage their client area in a mobile app without any hassle.

This can be a future feature for some of our products.

So, these are our suggestions or views about how you can customize and design your WHMCS client area to deliver the best conversions. Also, we will continue to add more and more upgrades in case we found something interesting to boost conversions. In case you would like to share your suggestions and views please share in the comments.

Looking for Something More? We can help!

Our WHMCS experts are ready to accept your custom requirements.