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The report should tell you how many NEW orders were placed in that time range, and the total amount that came in during that period.

User will select product and date range and on clicking search button report would display order details for that selected product in the given time range .
A). By default that report will show 8 column. The column would be like this :

  • Product Name
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi Annually
  • Annually
  • Biennially
  • Triennially
  • Total Each billing cycle column would also have 2 more sub-columns name orders and amount.

B).Export button that exports to Excel.

How it works
There will be a drop down named Product name. With that you will have two date-pickers to select start and end date and a search button.You will select product and date range from date pickers and on clicking search button, report would display order details for that selected product in the given time range.

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