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10 days money back guarantee

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Free support till license is active

One time free installation and next time onwards $49.90/setup

Developer License not included


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Refund is not applicable on this product.

One time payment and no hidden cost.

1 Year free support & updates included but not in modified code.

Additional years support and updates will be $39.90/year.

No license verification.

Code sharing is not allowed except within your organization.

Module Overview

WHMCS Client area has a lot of sensitive information related to the business website, web hosting etc. Living in a digital world means we need to be extra careful from attacks of our privacy. But in order to do that, we keep passwords. But sometimes that is not enough. Enabling 2 way authentication is very important nowadays. This is where our new Profile Protection Module comes in. It gives more safety & security to your users by allowing them to verify their passwords before updating their profile details

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