Running iRedMail Server in Docker Containers

A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to our step-by-step guide for setting up iRedMail, a full-featured open-source mail server in Docker containers to run your email server smoothly.


Before we begin, ensure you have:

- Docker installed on your system - Basic knowledge of Docker    commands - A server or virtual machine to host the   Docker containers

Pulling iRedMail Image

Use the following command to pull the iRedMail Docker image from the official repository:

docker pull iredmail/iRedMail:latest

Creating a Docker Network

Create a Docker network for iRedMail containers to communicate securely:

docker network create iredmail-net

Running iRedMail Container

Run the iRedMail container with the necessary environment variables and network settings. Customize the options as per your requirements:

docker run -d \

Running iRedMail Container

Run the iRedMail container with the necessary environment variables and network settings. Customize the options as per your requirements:

docker run -d \ --name iredmail \ --hostname \ --net iredmail-net \ -v /iredmail-vol:/var/vmail \ -e 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWD=your-root-password' \ -e 'SOGO_WORKERS=1' \ iredmail/iRedMail:latest

Configuring iRedMail

After successful configuration, you can access the iRedMail admin panel at http://your-server-ip/iredadmin/. Use the admin credentials you created during setup.

Accessing iRedMail Admin Panel

After successful configuration, you can access the iRedMail admin panel at http://your-server-ip/iredadmin/. Use the admin credentials you created during setup.

Additional Configuration

For advanced configurations and customization, explore the iRedMail documentation and modify the Docker container settings as needed. Don't forget to back up your data regularly.


You've successfully set up iRedMail in Docker containers, allowing you to manage your email server efficiently. Remember to keep your server up-to-date and secure by following best practices.

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