WHMCS Integration with Popular Payment Gateways

Choose Payment Gateway

Select the payment gateway you want to integrate with. Popular options include PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, and more.

Get API Credentials

Obtain the API credentials from your payment gateway provider. This usually includes a combination of a Merchant ID, API Key, and Secret Key.

Configure Payment Gateway in WHMCS

Enter the obtained API credentials in the corresponding fields in the WHMCS payment gateway settings.

Test the Configuration

Most payment gateways provide a test/sandbox mode. Enable this mode and perform a test transaction to ensure the integration is working correctly.

Handle Errors and Notifications

WHMCS usually provides options to configure how errors are handled and what notifications are sent to clients and administrators.

Compliance and Security

Ensure that your integration complies with security standards and regulations. Follow best practices to safeguard sensitive information.

Elevate your transactions and enhance customer experience today
