Paid vs Free SSL Certificates

Which One Should You Pick in 2023?

SSL Certificates

SSL certificates encrypt data between a browser and a website, safeguarding sensitive information like login details and payment data.

Free SSL Certificates

Pros: – Cost-effective – Basic encryption Cons: – Limited validation – May not cover all    subdomains

Paid SSL Certificates

Pros: – Stronger encryption – Extended validation options – Comprehensive support Cons: – Costly

When to choose a free SSL certificate?

– Personal blogs – Small, non-commercial    websites – Sites with no user data collection – Low budget

When to invest in a paid SSL certificate?

– E-commerce platforms – Business websites – Sites handling sensitive data

Factors to Consider

– Budget – Website type – Data sensitivity – User trust – Technical support needs

2023 Trends

– Increased emphasis on security – Google's ranking boost for    HTTPS sites – Evolving cyber threats


Discover the Right SSL for You!

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