WGS Cloudflare WHMCS Module

Start Your Cloudflare Web Hosting Business with


What Comes with the Offer?

– Free Module Updates – One-Click Upgrade – Access To Premium Offers – Multi-Level Tech Support – On-demand license for 30 days

WGS Cloudflare WHMCS Module

Streamline DNS management within WHMCS with the Cloudflare Module, eliminating the requirement for extra infrastructure.

Benefits For Clients

– Unlimited and Unmetered DDoS Mitigation – Prevent Customer Data Breach – Accelerate Internet Applications – Accelerate Mobile Experiences – Ensure Application Availability – Free CDN & SSL

Benefits for the Hosting Provider

With our module, leverage Cloudflare's free DNS, release extra infrastructure. Easily resell and manage DNS hassle-free, all with the Cloudflare WHMCS Module.

Black Friday Offer and Benefits

Annual License

Original Price: $229.00 Offer Price: $137.40

Open-Source Version

Original Price: $799.00 Offer Price: $479.40

10 Days Money Back Guarantee

Launch Your Cloudflare Hosting Now with WGS!

Elevate Your Business with the Cloudflare WHMCS Module

Get Started Today!
